Good Father!
May I address You on the Day of Michael the Archangel with my congratulations!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Vadim Mikhaylov. I am from Russia, born in the Arkhangelsk region on the White Sea shore, now living near Moscow. My specialty is to arrange volunteer commemoration projects as historical-biographical remakes just retracing the steps of a person to whom the project is dedicated.
In a few days we are starting a historical remake dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the first governor of Russian America in 1799 - 1818 Alexander A. Baranov who resided in Sitka (former Novoarkhangelsk).
The start of the project “Russian-American Mission-2/RAM-2” is launched on 23rd of November, 2021 in the native place of Mr. Baranov - town of Kargopol in Arkhangelsk region.
On the route of “RAM-2” project different places will be visited which are connected with the names of famous Russians who played a substantial role in colonization and development of the North America between 1741 and 1867 including Grigory Shelikhov, Nikolai Rezanov, Alexander Baranov and Ivan Kuskov.
Among the towns and cities to be visited are Kargopol/ Arkhangelsk region, Totma/ Vologda region, Rylsk/ Kursk region, Saint-Petersburg in the European part of Russia as well as Irkutsk and Shelekhov/ Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk in Siberia.
Various museums as well as other places of sightseeing will be visited on the route. Meetings with the local people will be also arranged during which it is intended to speak about Mr. Baranov, Russian America and the project itself.
The finish of “RAM-2” project is planned on 11th of December, 2021 in the center of Moscow near the office of the Russian Geographical Society/ RGO.
The travelling diary both in Russian and English as well as actual geolocation and photos will be posted on the Website:
May I ask You kindly to provide this information to interested people in Sitka.
Thank You in advance!
With love from Russia,
Vadim Mikhaylov, organizer of volunteer historical projects
21st of November, 202