Following Richard Chancellor


2021-09-02 17:05
On the first non-project day, a phone call was received to the number of the project curator from the reception of the President of the Foreign Policy Association/ VPA of the Immortals, Alexander Alexandrovich.
His secretary Alla Anatolyevna called, who confirmed that the last Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1991 personally read the appeal that was left in his name before the start of the project, and expressed personal support for the idea of the project. It should be explained here that when the curator of the project was an assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the first three convocations, Mikhail Lapshin, he happened to be in the office of A. A. together with his supervisor. Alexander Alexandrovich and Mikhail Ivanovich are fellow countrymen themselves-both from the south of the Altai Territory - and for some time they simultaneously studied at the junior courses of MGIMO in the 1950s. Thank you to the ex-minister!

02.09.2021/that the accord cultural event "Chancler Blitz Ring" took place.
On the way to the place of its holding in the Lomonosov school Museum at school 1530 "Lomonosov School" /Sokolniki metro station, the curator of the project briefly turned into Myasnitskaya Street /Chistye Prudy metro station, where he crossed paths with Igor Olegovich to transfer equipment that was transferred to Vadim Alexandrovich before the start of the project (tracker and video camera)
The partner navigating the "designers" made a "dembil" photo near the walls of the so-called "colonial goods store", known for its oriental motifs and ornaments. After all, the "Chancellor-2" got to "China", even on the territory of modern Moscow!

At 10:15, the Chancler Blitz Ring began in the Lomonosov School Museum. Its participants were students of the 9th grade and their history teacher Irina Vasilyevna, who just sacrificed a lesson in her subject for an extracurricular event on a historical topic. And the director of the school museum of M. V. Lomonosov, Lyudmila Anatolyevna Timofeeva, with whom Vadim Alexandrovich has been familiar since the first project "Fish Wagon Train-2" - since the end of 2010, received everyone. The hostess introduced the guest, and the "wheel of fortune" spun. Two teams were formed: "Ioannchiki" 6 people / captain Alexander Sapolev and "Chensleryata" / 11 people / captain Sergey Selennov.
The following task was offered to the attention of the teams. It was required for speed to name one of the three statuses in which Russia and Great Britain were in various wars or hostilities in relation to each other over the past millennium: allies/ opponents / neutrals.
The blitz has gone! Very different events of world military history were called, among which were the Great Northern War/1700-1721 and the Seven Years ' War/1756-1763, as well as the Invasion of Batu/1237-1241, the Foreign military intervention in Soviet Russia/1918-1921, the Second World War/1939-1945 and even the Falklands War from 02.04 to 14.06.1982.
The correct answers were given from one or another team.
However, the event "Star Wars" caused even Irina Vasilyevna to be taken aback. We decided that it was better not to touch the distant worlds.
According to the results of the blitz with a score of 7:4, "Ioannchiki" confidently defeated "Chensleryat".
This was followed by a short story by the presenter about the originator of the project "Aglinsky after Rishart", about his adventures in Muscovy in the mid-1550s and about the results of the project.
Alexander confidently" banked "on the" layout of the luggage of a modern Chancellor "and even received a clear" five " from the curator of the project. The curator of the project asked Irina Vasilyevna to put this assessment in the electronic magazine ninth-graders Sopoleva.
But when answering special questions, Sergey received as many as two "fives", who was able to immediately name the number of crew members of the sailboat commanded by Richard Chancellor (50), and also called how many charms are included in the bucket (100). These are the captains of our teams.
The blitz ring ended almost on the bell. Everyone was happy.
Vadim Alexandrovich thanked Lyudmila Anatolyevna and in her person the management of the gymnasium for the opportunity of the event. Good-bye, Lomonosov!
Almost all. Goodbye, Sokolniki!
On the way back, the curator of the project tried to send the "Monomakh's hat" to the Kremlin in the 16th century. The Russian Post refused, citing the fact that they could not take on the risks of traveling back in time. And where should "poor Chancellor" go now?.. Should I go to the 16th century myself ...
FINITA LA COMMEDIA/ the performance is over!
Wait for the new season of the "Chancleriada"!