Following Richard Chancellor

Day 1st

2021-08-25 17:30
24.08 / tue early in the morning Vadim Mikhailov arrived in Arkhangelsk.
At the 4th compartment car, he was met by the Archangel-city resident Sergey Borisov.
The project participants immediately went to the bus station, bought bus tickets for traveling from Arkhangelsk to Velsk.
Then-transfer by bus 133 to Severodvinsk.
Here, upon arrival, V. Mikhailov visited the Severodvinsk city cemetery, visited the grave of his mother.
Then there was a docking with the host party's car from the Department of Culture of the Severodvinsk City Hall, on which everyone arrived at the entrance of the city-forming enterprise "Sevmash".
After passing the formalities at the entrance to the security facility from the inside of the checkpoint, everyone boarded a factory bus and after 6 km of the way arrived at the temple complex of the Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery (the first mention dates back to 1419). We climbed the steep stairs to the restored St. Nicholas Church.
The guests were received by Fr. Alexander, who, as a real ekkursovod, told about the amazing history of this place, built over 6 centuries. The main thing: this place was called the raid of St. Nicholas and, in fact, from the moment Richard Chancellor sailed here on August 24.1553 became the first seaport of Russia in the North.
Then everyone moved to the city museum of local lore, which was once a maternity hospital and it was in it that Vadim Mikhailov was born many years ago. 
A short tour of the historical hall of the museum was conducted by Tatyana Nikolaevna, who shared her information about the Chancler epic.
And again-a march closer to the start of the project, to the island of Yagra.
Here we visited the only house on Richard Chancler Street at number 17, then visited the War Memorial and shortly after noon we were at the Chancler memorial sign on the embankment.
Denis Nikonov, a former yachtsman, arrived at the start of the project to accompany its participants on a long journey to Moscow, together with whom and his father Yuri Vasilyevich many years ago Vadim Mikhailov went on the yacht "Legend" (the captain was a classmate. Vadim Slava Bredelev) on Solovki.
At the start of the project, the travelers were welcomed by the vice-mayor of Severodvinsk, Irina Sakharova.
Then the organizer of the project told about the idea of the upcoming trip, its route and the finish.
But first, Vadim Mikhailov congratulated the second participant of the project Sergey Borisov on his birthday, who turned 29 on the day of the start of the project.
His wife Yulia and little daughter Alice, who came from Arkhangelsk to the starting place, also congratulated the birthday boy. On behalf of the owners, both participants of the project were presented with memorable souvenirs about Severodvinsk.
On the pier, in accordance with the developed scenario, Sergey Borisov, who plays the role of "Pomor-2", holding a modern Russian flag in his hands, gave "Richard Chancellor" a gift for transportation to Moscow in honor of the birthday of John Vasilyevich celebrated on 25.08.1553. At this moment, Vadim Mikhailov, whom the Pomors called "Ryshart-2", had to become Richard Chancellor. Holding a modern British flag in his hands, Ryshart accepted a package for the tsar - a stylized "Cap of the Monomakh", which the members of the expedition will have to hand over to the Russian "tsar-father-2"at the finish of the project.
At the end of the launch ceremony, the project participants were taken by minibus to the railway station in Severodvinsk. Here A. Mikhailov and S. Borisov boarded the bus 133 and, accompanied by a participant of the start ceremony, Sergey Borisovich Ragozin, who represented the regional branch of RIO, safely reached the bus station in Arkhangelsk.
During a short wait, the travelers ate pies (especially delicious were pies with halibut) and at exactly 15 o'clock left by minibus to the south along the federal highway M8.
The 4-hour journey with stops in Yemetsk and Bereznik ended at the turn to the ancient village of Ust-Vaga, the first mention of which dates back to 1137.
Here the guests were met by the owner of the "inn" Andrey Viktorovich Zakharyin, with whom Vadim Mikhailov Alexandrovich Mikhailov once lived in the same room in the student dormitory during his studies at the university.
Well, as they say, "there was a bath..."
But instead of vodka there was wine, which both guests sipped for the health of the birthday boy and the owner. Sergey was honored to drink from the "tsar's cup". There was no salmon and harmony...
the first day is over.
Let's go!