Following Richard Chancellor

Day 2

2021-08-25 17:45
After an early rise at 06: 00 (it is not difficult for someone who has served 6 years in the Airborne Forces ) - a short snack and moving to a stop on the M8 highway back towards the Bereznik district center
After 17 km we were already on the spot, then we made the way to the local museum light, where the guests were met by its employees Tatyana Albertovna and Anastasia Evgenyevna.
Unexpectedly, it turned out that it was on this Wednesday that there was no light in the museum - scheduled routine maintenance work.
But everyone quickly moved to another site - to the recreation center, where the first information event on the project route took place on the 3rd floor ("attic").
And at the very beginning, a mini fashion demonstration was held for the guests.
In the lobby on the first floor of the recreation center there was a brisk trade in fur products initiated by one individual entrepreneur.
With the kind consent, one woman's fur coat was brought to the room where the event on the Chensler River began, and two beautiful residents of the district center Tatyana Albertovna and Vitalina Ivanovna tried on this outfit: it turned out even well. The guests were impressed by the offer from the "Russian merchants", who, as if in words from the" Tale of Tsar Saltan "by the immortal A. S. Pushkin, told foreign guests in the person of English merchants:
" ... They traded sables,
Black-browed foxes..."
Then the event itself took place: a story about the then epic of the "Aglinsky ambassador Ryshart" and about the current adventures of today's repeaters of his path from the shores of the White Sea towards Moscow.
The first pancake turned out to be by no means a lump, especially since the project participants were reinforced with tea and sweets before and at the end of the event.
Vitalina helped in the implementation of the interactive, conducted by the curator of the project, the Vazhskaya beauty, and everyone present, including her young colleague from the museum Anastasia Evgenyevna, was worried about how she answered V. Mikhailov's tricky questions under the lens of a movie camera during the shooting conducted by S. Borisov.
Vitalina's intellectual casting was successful.
Thanking the organizers and those present for their attention and hospitality, the project participants soon arrived at the Bereznik bus station, where they soon waited for a passing minibus from Arkhangelsk to the south.
And again on the road, now along the Vaga River on the left bank.
An hour and a half of the road was followed by moving on a pontoon bridge over this tributary of the Northern Dvina, and soon the travelers entered the ancient city of Shenkursk (the first mention, according to one version, refers to 1137, according to another, to 1322).
We quickly dropped by the place of overnight accommodation, and again to the museum - now Shenkursky for another event in honor of the originator of the project R. Chancler.
At the beginning of the meeting in one of the halls of the museum, his employee Alyona Sergeevna briefly told about the history of Shenkursk itself, the district and the museum.
By the way, the previous time the curator of the project V. Mikhailov arrived by plane from Arkhangelsk almost 44 years ago - in 1977, when he was studying in the second year of infak at the Arkhangelsk Pedagogical University named after M. V. Lomonosov.
The baton at the meeting was taken by guests who responded with a story about the project.
Then there was an interactive, where Alyona Sergeevna showed herself brilliantly, as well as the director of the museum Svetlana Nikolaevna.
But Tatyana Ivanovna made a special impression on the guests with her very accurate remarks from the hall.
First, an inquisitive participant of the meeting very aptly described the then participants of the road epic from England, led by R. Chancellor, calling them "adventurers", then walked through the modern volunteers, expressing her genuine surprise at how the project participants, practically in the absence of domestic primary sources from the 16th century, make such an unusual repeat project.
Tatyana Ivanovna also asked a question about how trade between England and Muscovy really began to develop after Chancellor's adventure, and received a short answer that trade went uphill.
But what Tatyana Ivanovna finally struck the curator of the project was the answer to the question of how many charms (an old Russian measure of measuring the volume of liquid before the introduction of the metric system of measures) fit in a bucket. Exactly 100!
At the end of the meeting, a photo session with modern Russian and British flags was held.
Thank you for the meeting. An entry was made in the book of reviews, just as Ryshart himself "did", according to one of the museum employees, when he was moving on a frozen Wagon for 468 years and, most likely, could not pass Shenkursk and allegedly also "left a review" in the museum. So the repeaters of his route were not original in expressing gratitude to the Shenkurians.
At the end of the meeting ,the "designers" solved some everyday issues, soon they were at the place of the stationary bivouac, where they had dinner, than the "Tsar" sent.
Due to the very heavy load of the first two days of the project, airborne paratrooper Sergei Borisov uttered the final phrase of the day quite early in the evening: "Expedition, lights out".
They fell asleep like the dead...