Following Richard Chancellor

Day 7

2021-08-30 15:43
On the morning of the penultimate day on the route (the first working day of the new working week), the project participants left the old Rostov Veliky.
The train passing from Yaroslavl in the direction of Alexandrov left the platform of the Rostov Yaroslavsky station at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning. Russian Railways work like clockwork!
The estimated travel time is slightly less than 2 hours.
When the usher-conductor entered the first car along the way, where the travelers were traveling, she, as it turned out, was ready to let the Archangel-City resident Sergei Borisov, who was sleeping curled up on one of the benches, and not to treat the specified passenger, considering that he may have already traveled on the previous stage from Yaroslavl to Rostov, and, perhaps, he goes on.
The curator of the project had to insist to the usher that 2 tickets were sold, with which she agreed. The payment was made in cash.
So, back on the road.
However, starting from Rostov, it is raining, but it seems that the closer to the Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, the more the sky is cleared.
We'll see.
In Alexandrov, guests should be met by Mikhail Mikhailovich Krivonosov or his assistant Andrey Frolov. It is expected that together with the meeting participants of the project will get to the museum "Alexandrovskaya Sloboda", where an employee of the museum Svetlana Vladimirovna is going to conduct a tour for guests.
"We are going-we are going-we are going to distant lands..."

Everything went according to plan.
Meeting at the railway station, moving to the main entrance to the federal museum "Alexandrovskaya Sloboda". Here, Andrey Frolov, who accompanied the guests, treated them to apples from his own dacha, fortunately this year an unusually rich harvest / even some branches broke off under the weight of the fruit. Thanks!
The tour, as planned, was conducted by a very experienced guide Svetlana Vladimirovna. Everything was perfect: with actual calculations and figures. A special impression on the tourists was made by the end of the tour: a robber's yard, combined with a glacier. When the guests went down to the minus first level, they felt a clear chill. In addition, there was no mobile communication: if I got into the torture chamber, then you can't "get through" to the tsar during the oprichnina ...
But everything ended up quite optimistically: in the Damp Yard (drinking supplies) next to the Feed Yard (food supplies).
It turned out that it was in one of the rooms of the Cheese Yard that John Vasilyevich held closed meetings in a narrow circle-such as "meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars". On the table in the refectory there was a real loaf of bread with a salt shaker, which, as the hostess of the refectory Elizabeth Borisovna, who is responsible for the gastronomic part, revealed the "military secret", is periodically subjected to real pinching by the most annoying visitors, as a result of which the loaf has to be replaced.
The participants of the project did not tempt fate and did not even try to touch the bread gift. By the way, Elizaveta Borisovna finally clarified the question that had been tormenting the curator of the project for a long time about whether pies with rice and egg were baked in Russia at the time of Chancellor's arrival. Answer: no, because rice became famous in our Fatherland only in the 17th century.
But the Aglin ambassador could have been treated to pies with onions and egg in the Russian North.
Finally, the final video interview, and the guests, having crossed themselves, left this place.
Andrey Alexandrovich took the project participants to the premises of the Center for Creative Development "Russian World", where he showed the guests interesting things, gave them tea with pies and even played the harp. The latter was particularly unexpected. The guests were ashamed to "demand the continuation of the banquet".
Closer to the departure, its creator and inspirer Mikhail Mikhailovich Krivonosov arrived at the Center. In a short time, he outlined a portfolio of patriotic deeds done by the Center, including the opening of the monument to John the Terrible at one of the sites in Alexandrov. Mikhail Mikhailovich also gave the guests several books written by him or co-authored. Thanks!
Farewell to the "owner of Alexandrov", an expression of gratitude to Mikhail Mikhailovich, and soon Andrey was again delivering guests to the Alexandrov railway station.
Here Sergey Borisov and Vadim Mikhailov said goodbye to Andrey Florov.
A short wait for the train, and now the path of the volunteers lies closer to Moscow.
The final - the seventh in a row - event on Richard Chancellor is planned in Sergiev Posad.

The project participants arrived at the Sergeyev Posad station, then took a local bus to the desired stop, where they were already waiting for a representative of the children's and youth library Larisa Olegovna (the name means "seagull"), who" under escort " quickly delivered the travelers to the second floor of the library for the event.
Marina Dmitrievna welcomed the guests there on behalf of the management. The travelers from the road were quickly reinforced, and the final event on the project route began around 16 o'clock. The audience was mainly young people, including, apparently, high school students. The hostess of the site presented the wanderers, and then a two-minute story from the news block of the STS Severodvinsk channel from the evening program from 24.08/about the start of the project was shown.
By the way, the event was attended by representatives of one of the TV channels of Sergiev Posad
Then a brief introduction was made by the curator of the project Vadim Mikhailov, who soon gave the floor to the project participant Sergey Borisov.
The second event for himself was held by him.
Then everything went along a well-trodden track with some variations in the version of the Archangel.
After him, a resident of Moscow made some explanations, and then Sergey Borisov moved on to the interactive.
The assistants were cute girls Anastasia Olegovna and Polina Maksimovna.
Vadim Mikhailov was asked at this time to say a few words into the microphone and under the camera of the channel "Tonus", so he did not have to judge the success of the duet.
Upon returning to the hall, the curator of the project told about the scenario of tomorrow's finish ceremony, answered a couple of questions, told a little about the history of Russian-English bilateral relations.
Then there was a photo shoot. There were a lot of people who wanted to put a "Monomakh cap" on their head.
Mutual thanks. Then Marina Dmitrievna again invited those who had earned five-o'clock tea to the table, where the curator of the project tasted coffee with cream for the first time on the route.
The dialogue continued, including possible future intersections on other projects. The hosts invited Vadim Mikhailov to join them for a light in the future. The invitation was gratefully accepted.
Finally, the project participants started on the way back-the track. It sounded again: "Let's go!"
Moving by bus to the station, a short wait for the train, and now the "designers" are rushing at full speed to the final place for the night.
The project is scheduled to finish at noon the next day. There were received confirmations about the appearance to the museum "Old English Courtyard" from two root participants of the ceremony. Let's see how it will be...