Following Richard Chancellor

On the Eve

2021-08-22 21:41
A journey from the White Sea to Moscow-468 years later / Volunteer historical project "Chancelleriada-2" / The day before departure

In the order of background, we will mention the volunteer historical project "Fish Wagon Train-2" held in December 2010, which was dedicated to the upcoming 300th anniversary of our first Russian academician, a native of the Pomeranian North, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (celebrated on 19.11.2011). Then, as part of the project, two walkers on foot on the relay covered a distance of over a thousand kilometers from his small homeland on the Kurostrov of the Kholmogorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region to Moscow. 10 years later, based on the project's travel diary, an attempt was made to trace what has changed over the past years in the lives of the project participants and those people who met and helped us on the route at that time.

Here is an entry from the travel diary of the project, made on one of the pre-launch days, when three participants: Vadim Mikhailov, the curator of the project, Yaroslav Kryslov, the Moscow region “Mikhailo "and Andrey Salamatov, the Arkhangelsk" Mikhailo” had already gathered together and were preparing for the start, which took place on 05.12.2010 from the monument to M. V. Lomonosov in the village of Lomonosovo (see the link:

"Day 3 / 03.12.2010

The project participants visited the city of Korabelov-Severodvinsk. We visited the street of the English sailor Richard Chancellor, who landed at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River on 24.08.1553. Later, he was received in Moscow by Ivan IV Vasilyevich (the future Ivan the Terrible). This event marked the beginning of trade relations between Muscovy and England. On this day, the participants of the "Fish Wagon Train-2" walked under the icy piercing Arctic wind along the shore of the White Sea, examined the memorial sign in honor of Richard Chancellor...”

And now the start of the new historical project “Chancelleriada-2 " is approaching, scheduled for 24.08.2021 - on the 468th anniversary of the arrival of the English navigator Richard Chancellor from the shores of foggy Albion to the mouth of the Northern Dvina River in the White Sea, where the hometown of the curator of the project Vadim Mikhailov - Severodvinsk is now located. The project is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the then envoy from the English king to Muscovy, Edward VI Richard Chancellor, who was born in 1521 in the English city of Bristol (emphasis on the first syllable). The birth of Russian - British bilateral relations is connected with the names of the English citizen Richard Chancellor and his counterpart-the Russian tsar John Vasilyevich, who received a guest in the Kremlin and gave the go-ahead for duty-free trade between the two countries.

Within the framework of the current project, two participants: Vadim Mikhailov, a native of Severodvinsk, who lives in the city of Vidnoye near Moscow, and Sergey Borisov, a resident of Arkhangelsk, will try to repeat the approximate path from the White Sea to Moscow, which Richard Chancellor followed 468 years ago. This will be a kind of historical and biographical remake, which can be understood as an approximate, analog, approximate repetition of moving in the footsteps of the originator (in honor of whom the project is being made) in time and space-please do not confuse it with historical reconstruction.

The start of the project is scheduled for 24.08.2021/tue at noon from the Chancler memorial sign on the White Sea embankment in Severodvinsk. On the route of the project, which will take place partly on the federal highway M8 and partly on the Northern Railway through the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Moscow regions with deviations to the Kostroma region and to the city of Alexandrov, Vladimir region, its participants will hold cultural events in libraries and museums, where they will tell about the 500-year anniversary, about the history of Russian-British relations and about the project itself. The finish is scheduled for 31.08.2021/tue at 12: 00 in Moscow at the museum "Old English Yard" on Varvarka Street, 4A.

There are preliminary agreements on the provision of logistical and information support for the project by state and local authorities in the places through which the project participants will pass.

To give the project itself additional dynamics, an additional creative idea was introduced, which, perhaps, will serve as a kind of justification for the movement of modern remake participants. On the route of the project, a certain intrigue with elements of theatricalization will be played out, according to which the current mission of “Chancler-2", among other things, is to ensure the delivery of " valuable cargo” from the start point to the finish point, which was ALLEGEDLY handed over to Richard Chancler when he left the White Sea coast in 1553 by the local residents - pomorami as a gift to Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich on his upcoming 23rd birthday (it was celebrated on the day after the landing of Richard Chancellor - 25.08.1553). The modern stylized” Monomakh's hat “acts as a” valuable cargo " and at the same time as a prop of the project, as the regalia of the Russian grand dukes and tsars of that time. It is possible that based on the results of a modern transport expedition and based on the story “Trading Adventurers” published in the UK and the USA /author - British historian and writer James Evans - in the future, work will begin on a historical and adventure feature film with the working title "The Crown of the Moscow Kingdom or the Invincibles again". Among other details of the project, there are also modern Russian and British flags (they were absent in the middle of the XVI century).

For those interested in history and geography, here, on the travel support platform, the texts of travel diary entries will be posted at the end of each day on the route from the White Sea to Moscow.

project curator Vadim Mikhailov

August 2021


Taking into account the special attitude of domestic moviegoers to the film comedy of Leonid Gaidai, which was filmed in 1972, "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”, the events in which, according to some historians, can date back to about 1570, that is, after the Chancler epic, the passport cover with the inscription" Tsar, just Tsar!” and printed on a printer on a sheet of A4 format "Georges Miloslavsky Passport”, the owner of which is supposed to” light up" at the finish of the project. But we will not disclose all the details of the finish scenario ahead of time. We will wait for the last day of summer, when the project should be completed.